Archive for the ‘Web 2.0 Conference’ Category

Upcoming Web 2.0 Conference: Anyone can ask anything from anywhere in the world
November 5, 2006

Web 2.0 Conference

During the upcoming Web 2.0 Conference in San Francisco  November 7-9 the organizers will not only be talking about social media, participation and collaboration. They will also be taking these Web 2.0 key words into practice:

From Conference News:
(…)  social knowledge platform will be providing live Q&A during the Web 2.0 Conference next week. What’s cool is that not only will conference attendees be able to ask and answer questions online, but interested folks from anywhere in the world can join in, extending the audience for the discussions. The Web 2.0 Answerbag site is available on the Web 2.0 wiki now, so users can ask questions in advance of the event. Once the conference begins, an Answerbag representative will be in the audience submitting questions in real time during the on stage conversations with John Battelle, Tim O’Reilly, and other speakers. At any time, anyone at the conference or following the forum can respond to these questions, discuss and rank the answers, and ask additional related questions. So, got Web 2.0 questions? Ask ‘em on Answerbag!